NAMIKI FERMO F [Fine] Nib Vanishing Point 筆記具の種類···万年筆ペンの機能・材質···水性インク、カートリッジコンバーター両用式ベン先18k こちらのフェルモの特徴として回転繰り出し式を採用しており、音の立つノック式と違い、無音でペン先の出し入れを行うことが出来ます。 ノック式キャップレスと比べて軸が細く、クリップがフラットな設計のため握りやすいのもこのフェルモの特徴です。The Fermo pen from Pilot is a luxurious fountain pen with a very sleek and gorgeous design. Like the Cap less Decimo, the pen is part of a Japan exclusive line of retractable fountain pens. A simple twist mechanism keeps the fountain pen nib safe, there is no cap to unscrew or take off. It is one of the rare fountain pens that work using this mechanism, which means that the fountain pen nib is located near the clip rather than on the opposite side so that it can face up.#にも文房具#フェルモ#キャップレス#万年筆#capless#vanishingpoint